fhdPurpose of Training and Re-training

The quality of employees and their development through training and education are major factors in determining long-term profitability of any business. If you hire and keep good employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, so they can increase their productivity. Training usually is conducted for new employees only which is a misconception because ongoing training for current employees helps them adjust to rapidly changing job requirements.

Purpose of Training & Development of Human Resources include;

  • Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may leave or move up in the organization
  • Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff.
  • Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the company’s competitive position and improves employee morale.
  • Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs.
  • Enhancing staff motivational levels and improving their DND towards the organization