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our-training-sessions-are-interactive-efficient-and-delivered-by-seasoned-trainersWith more and more companies appreciating the digital space, they have invested heavily to digitalize their products and services to enhance customer experience. I’m left puzzled when a company posts something and you see only 10likes when they have over 100 employees. Similarly family businesses, where you see only one like yet maybe this business supports the whole extended family. I like to envision it this way, as employees or family members we are the first customers thus should be brand ambassadors of our organizations & whether you love your job or not it’s your current source of income. It’s not going to cost you anything to like your companies pages, posts, share them on your different forums but for the company it’s giving them latitude and presence to a whole new market segment/area. If family doesn’t support family who will support it, who will trust to employ you if you can’t support your own. We are in an era where the media is an essential tool to grow self and others. Give that like to a friends post, to a family member, to a business and to your company. The media is a game of numbers, the more the numbers the more ROI.

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