Personal finance management

Many of us lack insight our finances and we are unable to spend, save, or invest with confidence. Banks can strengthen customer relationships, build an active community, and enhance clients’ financial well-being, all while fostering brand loyalty by empowering their customers with the ability to keep tabs on all of their financial accounts in one secure place, manage their expenses, set a budget, save for personal goals, view investments, calculate their net worth, and more.

Course objectives

After successfully completing the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Learn practical lessons of better financial planning
  • Identification of investment opportunities
  • Identification of cost cutting avenues
  • How live a fulfilled life by planning for the future


  • How start planning early for financial freedom
  • Plan for your future income & expenses through budgeting
  • Learn about various saving vehicles
  • Learn about benefits of saving
  • Learn about practical saving skills