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Having a discussion with my Old Woman today made me appreciate a quality I need to cultivate.
We struggle to aspire to achieve certain statuses or goals in our life’s journey but often a times instantaneously we make a detour or reroute hoping the shortcut is nearer or have nothing to lose. We forget that we are actually going back to stage one and all effort/experience learnt on the first route is lost in transition to the new route or giving up. I personal have been a runner when I face criticism, hurdles or situations where I feel I didn’t get my way. The experience is that a lot is lost along the way when you chose to quit on a Job, a business midway, a good idea, on relationships crafted etc. Since these are rough water you have swarm halfway, it’s easier to navigate further, grow in experience and with that success is achieved. I’m reflecting on the many things I quit on and I motivate myself to do better; to be more patient, more open minded and soldier on .Resilience can be natured, by realizing what we stand we gain or lose; doing a cost benefit analysis as the economist put it. Resilience simply put is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back

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