This course seeks to highlight to managers to adopt a management style which emphasizes acquisition of resources( inputs) economically and concentrates attention on the use of those resources to deliver outputs efficiently and effectively.

The ROM course answers the following questions;

1.What services are required to meet corporate objectives?

2.What services do people need?

3.Are people satisfied with the quality, quantity, coverage, scope, timing and cost of services?

4.How much does it cost to provide a particular service? Could it be provided more cheaply or better for the same money?

5.How much resources should/can be allocated to a particular corporate objective or function?

Course Objectives

By the end of the module participants should be able to:

  • Set and/or revise the mission statements and strategic objectives of their organizations.
  • Identify the key outputs of their organizations.
  • Develop performance indicators and measure efficiency and effectiveness of their organizations in delivering the key outputs.
  • Develop results frameworks for their organizations.
  • Use performance information to improve the working of their organizations.
  • Work more effectively as team members.

Draw up  action plans for introducing ROM and/or cascading  in their organizations

Course content

  • Conceptualisation of ROM
  • Demonstrate how ROM works
  • The 3 E’s of Performance measurement under ROM
  • The ROM Framework
  • The benefits of ROM to an organisation
  • The 3 levels of accountability
  • How managers and the organisation benefit from ROM