The power of Networking and discovering your potential

  • “Career advancement is as much about who you know as whatyou know—and that’s exactly why being a powerful networker is so important.”
  • “Since there are so many different platforms for people to market themselves these days, you have to find ways to cut through the white noise and get noticed,” says Ivan Misner, Ph.D., author of “Networking Like a Pro.”

Course objectives

After successfully completing the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Advance your career by the power of networking
  • To learn how to survive in a competition age through the power of networking
  • Discover your worth as a person at work as well as general life.
  • Learn how to swim with the sharks”


  • The 8 power tips of networking
  • Forms of networking
  • Benefits of networking
  • Tips on how to network in the 21st century
  • Commit yourself to making lots of mistakes
  • How to Invest time, energy and money in yourself
  • How to explore new ideas and opportunities
  • Take advantage of being multi skilled
  • How to make decisions and take immediate action