Customer Service Excellence Course

Service Excellence” is a unique 2 – day Seminar designed by customer service experts.  It teaches executives and co-workers a whole new way of thinking about customer service by emphasizing the fact that customers/co-workers do talk about the service or treatment they receive.  Employees learn to use the system presented in the Seminar to ensure that the stories created and passed on by their customers (internal and external) are positive ones that will provide the organization with a competitive advantage.

The five key factors to ensure Customer Service Excellence

1.Why Service – And what is Excellence?

2.Service is Inside Out

3.Create Uniqueness:  Be Better, Faster and Different

4.Pay Attention:  The Customer’s Perception Counts

5.Recovery:  Handling Complaints


After successfully completing the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role that service plays in the success of their organization
  • Identify ways to provide outstanding service to co-workers in order to foster a unique service reputation and particularly improve working relationships in the work place
  • Understand the relationship between customer expectations and service quality
  • Identify ways to make it easier for customers to complain;
  • Learn how to turn customers dissatisfaction into service stories that assure your company’s service reputations and enhance repeat business


  • Service management strategy and tactics.
  • Excellence/what gets on the way.
  • Effective communications with the customer
  • Telephone skills/call management
  • Fundamentals of customer service excellence
  • Presenting yourself effectively.
  • Basic customer service rules.
  • Handling difficult customer situations.
  • Steps to process improvement.
  • Introduction to process mapping.
  • Total satisfaction management.